In the Lulu Direct app, you can access both Orders and Payments screens. Your orders can be viewed by clicking Orders within the app, while Payments can be accessed by clicking More Actions > Payments.

The Orders screen lists all orders for Products using Lulu Direct placed through your Shopify store. This includes orders that are fulfilling, orders pending payment, and orders that have been successfully fulfilled.

Order Status Definitions:

  • Unpaid – You still need to submit a payment to Lulu Direct to begin printing

  • In Production – We are printing your order

  • Shipped – We've shipped your order

  • Cancelled – You have requested this order to be cancelled

  • Error – We've experienced an issue fulfilling this order

  • Invalid - There is missing or insufficient information about your order

The Payment screen displays all payments received for Lulu Direct orders. Each payment will list the status of the payment, and expanding each payment listing reveals details about the payee, as well as the associated Order ID.

Payment Status Definitions:

  • Created – This is the initial state of payment, prior to payment authorization or capture

  • Authorized – Payment has been authorized by the payment provider but funds have yet to be captured

  • Failed – Payment was declined or communication with the credit card processor failed

  • Succeeded – Funds have been successfully captured from the payment method provided